Download PDF

File Description File size
pdf Data Archiving Innovative services created from scratch for the era of Big Data and Digitalization
837 KB
pdf Data Analysis Clear and objective information on the composition of data
736 KB
pdf Write Once Read Many Archiving We guarantee the integrity of data archived in our Cloud for up to decades
651 KB
pdf Multi-Cloud Storage Unified access to native support for Public Cloud platforms
635 KB
pdf Data Immutability Sabotage proof data protection that goes well beyond market standards
857 KB
pdf Massive Data Migration Services for the migration of huge amounts of data to the cloud, even in the order of petabytes
905 KB
pdf Cloud Gateway LTFS The next generation Hybrid Cloud Storage platform for data protection
838 KB
pdf Cloud Gateway HA We guarantee business continuity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
815 KB
pdf Backup as a Service (BaaS) A high-performance platform for data backup
831 KB
pdf Consulting Consulting services focused on Cloud Storage
970 KB
pdf Private Cloud We help companies develop their cloud projects
591 KB
pdf Backup Optimization Use good sense to dramatically reduce backup times, software licenses, storage and operating resources
788 KB
pdf GDPR Data Protection A service that specifically ensures data archiving and protection in line with the General Data Protection Regulation
680 KB

Discover the huge range of technologies, services and next generation cloud storage solutions designed specifically for the era of Big Data and Digitalization

Download PDF

File Description File size
pdf Data Archiving Innovative services created from scratch for the era of Big Data and Digitalization
837 KB
pdf Data Analysis Clear and objective information on the composition of data
736 KB
pdf Write Once Read Many Archiving We guarantee the integrity of data archived in our Cloud for up to decades
651 KB
pdf Multi-Cloud Storage Unified access to native support for Public Cloud platforms
635 KB
pdf Data Immutability Sabotage proof data protection that goes well beyond market standards
857 KB
pdf Massive Data Migration Services for the migration of huge amounts of data to the cloud, even in the order of petabytes
905 KB
pdf Cloud Gateway LTFS The next generation Hybrid Cloud Storage platform for data protection
838 KB
pdf Cloud Gateway HA We guarantee business continuity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
815 KB
pdf Backup as a Service (BaaS) A high-performance platform for data backup
831 KB
pdf Consulting Consulting services focused on Cloud Storage
970 KB
pdf Private Cloud We help companies develop their cloud projects
591 KB
pdf Backup Optimization Use good sense to dramatically reduce backup times, software licenses, storage and operating resources
788 KB
pdf GDPR Data Protection A service that specifically ensures data archiving and protection in line with the General Data Protection Regulation
680 KB

We deliver real and measurable competitive advantage to firms that are thinking about the cloud as an avenue for development of their IT organizations